Une suite de phrases en anglais

Démarré par Argaz, 10 Juil 2007 19:56

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Exactely! He is often unpleasant, but sometimes he is so cute!
What beautiful blue eyes he has! :-*


I 'd like to be delirius oh! excuse me, to speak with you. ;D
Live and let live.


"You love everybody. That's your pathology."  ;)
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on with a mirror and a razor lay crossed.


You are doing very well! I like it!


that's why I don't sure to want a doctor, I prefer the friends
Live and let live.


"You value our friendship more than your ethical responsibilities." (perhaps I sould stop with all those hous-isms...  ::) )
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on with a mirror and a razor lay crossed.


As far as I'm concerned, I really like these cynical little sentences. Go ahead !  ;D

Oh, and I wanted to talk to you about you signature. Is it a quotation from Joyce's Ulysses ? I've tried to read that book several times but I kept on falling asleep everytime so I just gave up !  :-\
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Citation de: Spinto le 22 Mai 2009 22:14
I've tried to read that book several times but I kept on falling asleep everytime so I just gave up !  :-\
Bouh bad girl you are!!! I am really keen on his work... But perhaps you sould start with Dubliners; I have always though that Joyce's work has to be read chronologically (whou my sentence doesn't make sense! but U know what I mean... I hope ;) I have never been able to use "chronological" words in a correct sentence in whatever languages U want!  :P)
And yep it is extracted from Ulysses, the very first sentence.  ;D

Citation de: Spinto le 22 Mai 2009 22:14
As far as I'm concerned, I really like these cynical little sentences. Go ahead !  ;D
Ok  ;) My friends call me Greg, House or even Housette (the last one is quite ridiculous so I call them back "WilsonS")...
"You know, words can hurt!" ::)

Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on with a mirror and a razor lay crossed.


I'd say "I have always though that Joyce's work should be read in a chronological order / chronologically". But I'm not really sure either...

I really want to read that book though, because I'd like to go to Dublin to participate to a gathering of fans of Ulysses. Every year I think, they celebrate the beginning of the main character's journey. It sounds like fun !  ;D

So, when you watch House, do you take a pen and paper to write quotations down ?  8)
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Citation de: Spinto le 24 Mai 2009 07:44
I'd say "I have always though that Joyce's work should be read in a chronological order / chronologically". But I'm not really sure either...

I really want to read that book though, because I'd like to go to Dublin to participate to a gathering of fans of Ulysses. Every year I think, they celebrate the beginning of the main character's journey. It sounds like fun !  ;D

So, when you watch House, do you take a pen and paper to write quotations down ?  8)

Sure, it is Bloomsday! (June 16th) I'd like to go to too... (odd  :P)

Hum no I don't write it down lol! I just agree so I remember!  :D Sometimes I check it on the internet but nthg more...  8)
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on with a mirror and a razor lay crossed.


Did you read "the gun seller" Hugh Laurie's book ? I began it in english!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


CitationDid you read "the gun seller" Hugh Laurie's book ? I began it in english!!

No, but I'm very curious about this book. When you finish reading it, would you mind telling us what you think about it ? It would be great ! :)

CitationSure, it is Bloomsday! (June 16th) I'd like to go to too... (odd  Tire la langue)

Bloomsday, I like that name. I also want to attend Saint Patrick's day in Ireland, and in NYC. It must be so much fun !
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I am reading The Gun Seller and I love it!!!  :D

We should go together Spinto! lol ^^  ;)
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on with a mirror and a razor lay crossed.


Of course you are ! lol.

Yes, but I have to read Ulysses first. ;D
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I know a cartoon "ulysse 31" :D I watched it when I was younger  ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.