Une suite de phrases en anglais

Démarré par Argaz, 10 Juil 2007 19:56

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it's the inside beauty who counts!!! ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Indeed, some people say (said) that. :)
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


yes ok it's not true.pffff!!!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


HS: I'm sorry because I can't be omnipresent these days, but I'm overloaded. Perhaps in the holidays, could I come in.
Apprendre c'est faire le choix d'évoluer

John Doe

Citation de: Alfast le 25 Oct 2007 18:48
HS: I'm sorry because I can't be omnipresent these days, but I'm overloaded. Perhaps in the holidays, could I come in.

No problem. ;)


On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Dog
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Sure, but just on the internet.  ;D
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


and in the life what are you?
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


You are censored, I do not know why.
Apprendre c'est faire le choix d'évoluer

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


secret part of you ?aren't you? ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


I think his secret is that he wear a leather gloves when he drives
Apprendre c'est faire le choix d'évoluer

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.