Une suite de phrases en anglais

Démarré par Argaz, 10 Juil 2007 19:56

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John Doe

Yeah, I like spring. Skirt more shorter, nice weather, and many enjoyment.  :D
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


barbecue aperitif outside!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


pastis for ever!!mais ca rime pas en anglais (camping franck dubosc!!)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


I am sad ??? I thinh that EVER i speak very well english

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


In the Hospital there is much patient  :o

John Doe

Yep, you're right!

Do you like fishsticks? Do you like fishsticks in your mouth?
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


No, I don't like it
What about you ? ::)

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


But sometimes, the war may be a necessity