Une suite de phrases en anglais

Démarré par Argaz, 10 Juil 2007 19:56

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it's true that I like TV show very much!!
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


Do you understand all they say?are you bilingual or not?
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Nope, but I improve myself. Thx tv show. :D
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


yes!!!since I write on the forum I feel that I understand better  ;)or  maybe that it is just an impression :-\
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Then, i have the same impression! :D
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


In fact I'm already smart but I don't show it  :P ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.


did you alredy go In England or States?
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Not yet... :'(

New zealand  & Canada will be nice too.

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


I would like to go to Canada  ;)
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


this helps ;D!!for the winter,pan cakes,maple syrup,their accent and bruno pelletier :D
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

Strange, not Celine Dion in your post... :/

you didn't like her? :D
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.


I like well!!but I'm a woman  ;)and I prefer Bruno Pelletier :-*
Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you.

John Doe

More sensual for you indeed. :D
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.